Installing SH Sample Schema

Preparation: Before running the installation script (sh_main.sql), please edit the following two files:sh_main.sql & sh_olp_c.sqlunder D:\app\db193\WINDOWS.X64_193000_db_home\demo\schema\sales_history and replace "__SUB__CWD__" with "D:\app\db193\WINDOWS.X64_193000_db_home\demo\schema" or the directory where you extracted the sample schema scripts. Here is a live demo about installation: ThanksAhmed

Installing Oracle OE Sample Schema

If you are interested in installing all oracle database sample schemas, please refer to my post:Installing Oracle Sample Schemas (19.3) If you want to install the scott demo schema, please refer to: Here is a live demo about Order Entry (OE) schema installation: Please note that before installing the OE schema, you should first install … Continue reading Installing Oracle OE Sample Schema

Find the largest Top 10 Files and Directories on Linux/Unix

To find the top 10 files and directories in the current directory, we will use the "du" command with some options, along with the "sort" command to list the sizes in descending order, along with the "head" command to get only the top 10 items. Example:(output in K Bytes) Note the following "du" command options:-c … Continue reading Find the largest Top 10 Files and Directories on Linux/Unix